User guide |
The RepDose online database offers the opportunity to search for subacute to chronic toxicity data of existing chemicals. |
Terminology in RepDose |
- no observed effect level
- lowest LOEL in the study
- LOEL effect
- lowest observed effect level for this effect
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Login |
You have to register yourself as a RepDose member to access the RepDose database.
This can be done by using the registration form on the start site (New Member).
Query form |
The query form consists of four parameter group:
- Chemical parameter
- Physical parameter
- Study parameter
- Target/effect parameter
All parameters can be combined in any order. The programme demands to refine search parameters if more than 100 entries are found.
On the right side four buttons are arranged:
 - resets search parameters
 - activate to run the query after search parameters have been changed
Result table |
Once the query is done a result table is shown below the parameter template. The user is allowed to modify the result table by himself
by using the show options. It is possible to download the results as a PDF file. |